The car keys for my loaner can't be seperated

I worked in loaner departments (even ran a loner department for an auto group of like 12 dealerships) and this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. You never wanna give the customer both keys, that’s irresponsible.

Usually the second key gets stored with the paperwork for the loaner in an office or closet. Loaner cars are sold after a few thousand miles of loaner duty, so all the window stickers, keys, paperwork and manuals are kept safe. Also, why isn’t the key tagged with the loaner vehicle number and stock number, etc?

If I was the customer and dealership gave me both keys like that, and I accidentally lost them, no way in hell would I pay dealership to replace them both. (And yes, a customer would be responsible for replacing the key if they lose it, you’re fully responsible for your loaner.)

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