Caster Adjustments?

At what evidence do you say that they can't hold a lane? Their ability scaling WAS NOT CHANGED. So the lane power isn't gone granted you have your abilitys. Which you should if your playing right.

Travel Mode is gone but Auto Sprint replaced it. All that means is YOU can't activate it, only 5 seconds of being out of combat will activate it. You also can't be rooted anymore.

What part makes you think that Epic doesn't like team fights? They like team fights, right now the only complaint they have about team fights is the lack of commintment when one player goes down and how easy it is for people to escape. In the future, Casters are going to play a huge part hitting them from a distance, even farther than and ADC can shoot mind you.

As for the end game comment, it's kinda ignorant the way you tried to explain that.

Only using abilities makes them very one dimensional

ADC's basically only Auto Attack, does that make them one dimensional? Please realize that I don't mean to upset you when I'm discussing this with you but you need to better explain your points my good man.

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