Casual Confursation #4

Just another new lurker-turned-poster here. I figure a thread like this is as good a place to start as any.

  • This basically answers the first two questions- I'm about to finish my last semester at college majoring in Chinese and History. It's kind of a weird combination, but various factors led to deciding to study those subjects; I had tried studying an "easy" language (Spanish) and did not do so well, but when I had the opportunity to study Chinese in high school, I found it really enjoyable, and decided to stick with it in college. I am also really interested in history and took enough history courses for fun that by my senior year I could easily take a few more and declare a second major.

In terms of actual passions, a major one is aviation. I'm hoping to find a career where I can combine my interest in aviation/flying with my experience with Chinese. I'm also a bit of an astronomy nut- although I can't understand any of the hardcore physics behind it, I still love learning about it and using my telescope when I can.

*I haven't quite chosen a fursona yet; As I mentioned, I'm really new to the whole furry thing, and to be honest I'm kind of struggling with it. I've come to terms with the fact that I'm interested in anthros and the like and have been for years, but it's taken me a while to get this comfortable with a fandom with such a... notorious reputation. As such, I haven't had much time to make a fursona. But whatever, I like you guys and a lot of the content here, so screw it. I'm interested in dragons and/or snakes, so it might be something like that.

  • Finally, if we are talking about places we haven't visited yet, I would love to go to Myanmar some day. I've been really lucky to have had the opportunity to travel to a lot of amazing places, including Japan, which I can vouch for as being absolutely amazing. If things work out, I have some work lined up in China after graduation so I am really looking forward to getting to travel there and use my Chinese. I'm not looking forward to the smog.
/r/furry Thread