Cats urine smells heavy with ammonia, started a hydration intervention, looking for advice to alleviate it all together

It hasn't always smelled this strong. We had a (alpha) cat pass away recently, we noticed the increase in the smell shortly after that.

Everynight we would give them each a plate wet food and this cat would eat as much as she could as fast as she could because the other cat would come over and start eating hers. After alpha cat passed there was a short period where she wasn't getting that wet food (when when would come out, she would eat a little of the dry food that is always available). I suppose this was about when we noticed the increase. For a while we would give her the wet regularly but she would only lop up the gravy part leaving anything chunky. That's when I started adding water and mushing the chunky bits. Then I did some googling after realizing that intense smell doesn't seem right. Basically brings us up to now where it seems to be getting better, but still significantly smells. It just seems to be taking a long time to get her urine smell back to when we didn't notice it.

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