So CCP wants feedback on how to solve the refitting problem

Like you said though in 10% tidi. Without Tidi dreads and combat refitting is a very different beast.

Duder in that vid wasn't fighting in Tidi. The deepz/neutz are coming fast and he did good stuff. They also fought for half an hour almost. That's a really, really long fight in my exp. I don't think without combat refitting they ever would have achieved that. That fight for them was probably the pinnacle of their fun/hour ratio seeing as they literally hit 50%. Who the hell can say they have 50% fun per hour in Eve? If you take most huge tidi fights and actually speed them up you get what? 45 minutes of content spread out over 5-6 hours? All you're seeing is contrast on how horrible a mechanic tidi is. - Tidi dread fight no challange was ez. (we were told to fit reps >.>) - No tidi first dude blapped, he refit fast. Same fight - didn't manage to refit down the line tank wise but he managed to refit a web before his triage poofed and saved the fight when we were caught with our pants down and our @ss out.

Let's count it out: -Added Dread Fleet Hanger -Added Dread Ship Maint. (previously in order to carry two sets of guns a dread had to have a full rack of cargo expanders) -Added capital and sub capital guns to "created hard choices" -Nurfed refit while they allowed dreads to have fleet hangers? (previously not really a problem outside Tidi)

Actually made it even more "One ship to rule them all" While making it easier to fly in combat not harder. Before refit changes flying dreads in small numbers as a force multiplier against larger subcapital fleets was a skill dependent challenge. Soon it's not even an option. You either are fit right or you're not when the bullets fly. No amount of reaction or experience will change that.

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