Cemetary "private property"?

It's the one space where family visitors can go to visit the deceased, some of whom (quite understandably) may not feel entirely comfortable when someone's simply wandering around moodily.

This has occurred to me, yes.

You had no substantial reason to believe they had granted public access.

Agree to disagree. On some level, I will never be a complete proponent of law because I do not see law as an inviolable thing. That's just straight up, blunt, unfiltered honesty right there. There are circumstances where I'd tell the law to straight up fuck off.

You guys ask why I talk about what I think "ought" to be. But that's because on some level I know that if I outright DISAGREE with the law. I'm going to break it. It was said by our founding fathers that if the law is unjust, that it should be betrayed. I agree. I'm not going to modify my behavior purely based on what the law says. I don't have a tendency to needlessly or unreasonably break the law.

To put it more frankly. You're right. You're right to the extent that, that's what I have to assume if I want to be as little of a hindrance to the law as possible. If I want the smoothest interaction with the law. I should assume absolutely and unreasonably that access is restricted by default.

But what are the consequences of betraying that? Definitely not jail or prison. I'll still almost always end up walking away perfectly fine if I keep assuming that things are open by default. As long as I don't take it any further and CRIMINALLY trespass. Because as explained, there is a difference between civilly trespassing and criminal trespassing. If I make it a habit of barging into places, all that will mean is I'll keep going through a process of getting informed of each place's openness and then either walking away because I'm told it's private or staying because it's public property.

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