Chabad security director: Crimo was 'definitely sizing up' synagogue during Passover visit

Last comment on this from me: I’m thinking, and probably very poorly thinking to be honest about it, about starting a private subreddit for synagogue security volunteers.

And when I mean private, I’m talking about vetting individual participants who request access. And also strictly limiting topics of discussion that would reveal specific synagogues’ protocols and security regimens. And it’s not going to be any kind of meeting house for self-professed experts who’ve spent twenty minutes learning Krav Maga techniques from a paperback book, acquired a weapon of some kind, and now think they’re a Marvel Avenger all of a sudden.

40% of me wants to start this subreddit but the other 60% of me says oh hell no. And 100% of me says that I don’t want to be a moderator of annnnythiiiing.

Maybe Reddit isn’t even the appropriate place for any of this. I mean, just look at this place.

All honest people with shared concerns are welcome to PM me while I reconsider the soundness of this plan.

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