Do I have a chance?

I like how you say it's "in your nature" to flirt around with lots of girls then call your girlfriend "crazy" for not trusting you at all. do realise she was right about you since upon checking your phone in her paranoid she did find "light flirting" conversations with another woman. Ever consider how that might've felt for her? Or why she's come to suspect/expect your insincerity so much you actually predicted she'd go off at you for it eventually? Seriously, why are you dating people?

I don't flirt with lots of girls, I do it with girls I'm interested in being friends with. Plenty of the girls with whom I flirt and have flirted have been so utterly not my type, it's not even funny.

Nipsey is and was a massive hypocrite. She was the kind of girl to go off on me for no valid reason. An example:

Nipsey and I hung out the year before we dated with a specific group of friends. I would curse, like basically everyone else in my peer group, in these large group conversations and very obviously so, as one of two lead males in the group. After we started dating, I would curse (perhaps to, but never at her) the same way. She would start an argument in front of my friends and make a point to show how upset she was that I used a curse word. She would refuse to talk to me for days. I'd never seen anything like it, it was obscene. She, herself, uses curse words.

Nipsey strung me along for a semester, constantly starting arguments and being generally unaffectionate but never leaving. She went abroad, spoke with me very heavily for a week until she moved into her flat, stopped talking to me, started arguments with me that she claimed I started, and then broke up with me because of it. Told me she didn't love me, never loved me, and just wanted to be friends. For the next month, she was clicking her heels happy as I sulked, and she would talk to me daily about how happy she was we weren't together and generally insulted and said very abusive things toward me for absolutely no reason. That was about the time I started talking to Susan.

Twice abroad with two separate men, I told Nipsey to be wary of them because they seemed interested in her (we were dating at the time). Lo and behold, she tells me after the fact that one did in fact like her (after calling me crazy and controlling), she kissed the other, went to soccer games with him, danced, yada yada, did not tell me about this until a year after the fact and after she went through my phone.

More recently (month or two ago), I was chatting with Nipsey and she sent me a picture of a wedding dress. I told her, somewhat jokingly, that I want my wife to wear a bespoke wedding dress on our wedding day so that she could wear her perfect dress. She called me controlling.

After she went through my phone, she brought up something I said to Will (when Nipsey and I were broken up, telling me she doesn't and never loved me) about a girl we both knew. I said she had beautiful eyes, and she did. I said it JUST to my friend, not to the girl. I had no interest in her. Before this, she brought up something I said to another girl (who I'd known since second grade) while dating my previous girlfriend (who had no issue with it) ~2-3 years earlier. I commented on her profile picture, just saying she looked cute. Nips treated both actions like arch betrayals.

I never once did anything to hurt or cause Nipsey to lose trust in me up to Susan; what precipitated with Susan was a consequence of resentment towards Nips for her mistreatment of me (something that I willingly admit after the fact was not the right thing for me to do).

My prediction was that she would go off on me for a non-issue as she had done so often before, not for insincerity.

So you chose Nipsey in that instance? Why do you think Susan would have any romantic interest in you beyond your girlfriend screaming at her in public? Is the lack of contact not obvious enough?

The dining hall massacre was not as dramatic as it seems, and the described circumstance (altercation, deletion) took place over two months or so. I chose Nipsey in that instance insofar as I pulled her away from Susan and out of the dining hall.

Lack of contact is not unusual. Susan is a Facebook hound, had a jealous boyfriend, was never a big texter outside of her girlfriends, we've not spoken for the whole summer in the past (to no detriment to our relationship), had busy schedules, and then she went abroad for a semester (ie no phone service). she not still with Alan? Are you not still with Nipsey? Why exactly do you want to keep pursuing someone who you've completely messed around already? She said she's unavailable anyway and has made no contact with you at all for a YEAR. Come on dude, wake up.

Don't believe so after her stint abroad, and absolutely not.

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