Chances for a Halloween banner

See the thing here is that with gacha games like these, if you miss a unit from LE banners, it simply matters not. Why? Because it will come back again like you said. That in itself is what keeps majority of gacha games going and helps with people who are new to the game / join midway. If say I missed the summer banner, I can only say that "hey I'll wait for the next time they reappear" but the units are 100% added to the game. You may or may not have it, others may or may not have it, but most importantly it's already in the game. It's new content.

You're looking at it from a "I want these units to collect them and use them" point of view. I don't rly care about that if I have them or not. Cause ultimately they are added content into the game.

the fact that you're unfazed by the constant released of limited units means one of three things.

Honestly, I think I've answered your question. Having more units to roll for is pretty much the point of the game and having more content in the game be it in terms of unit wise or story wise, the main thing is that it has been added to the game. I'm neither of those that you've stated. I am someone who wants to see the metagame grow. I'm tired of seeing the same units over and over in arena. I just want things to shift. Which is why I'm excited for new units. Not because I can or cannot get them, but rather I want to see how they shift the meta.

I feel like with what you've just said, it kinda reinforces the fact that I may not be the one was playing on a casual level and too unintelligent to comprehend the idea of having content in the game solely for having content in the game.

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