charalanahzard has been scanned and is too find and meet in CP2077

When you play an online game, with long-term progression, you end up dumping a lot of hours into it. I’m sorry I didn’t feel the need to be making posts on all of the single player games I enjoy. I feel like the beauty of those games is that they are to be immersed in and enjoyed - not spoiled in their entirety and discussed to every detail. They are meant to be explored and relished.

I enjoy 76 for the same reason I enjoy the other fallout games - not the gameplay, but the world. I play Fortnite and COD to turn off my brain after a long day. It is common knowledge that the internet is a toxic place, and Reddit just happens to be an extreme case of that. And this point, you are acting like a piece of shit for no reason, taking every statistic and post off of my account and acting like you have figured me out. You do not know me. There is no “deep” bullshit going on here. You are just being an asshole at this point.

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