Charged with disorderly conduct for giving the middle finger to a cop

Coming from a small city myself, also in Wisconsin. Not legal advice, but general.

Our town has a total of 7 police officers. I graduated in 2002. Almost our whole high-school had an awesome relationship with our small town officers. We all got in trouble for stupid things, yeah. Ffs, I got a fine for putting a Christmas tree in the road at 13. Don't ask why lol we were bored and obviously idiots. As the years went by, talking to the police officers, I realized just how kuch they do. Fire? Assaulted? Car accident? Child neglect cases? Child abuse cases? Someone broke into your house? Take a guess who is the first to respond? Your small town police officers and county. So, you may be thinking they are being downright cruel and bored, but that same police officer just got out of testifying in a case where a child was being inappropriately touched and they were the lead officer, because we don't have detectives. You have no idea all they do when you're a teenager. Of course they are just assholes to you, I once thought that myself. Truth is, they will be around a LONG time. And at one point you're going to need them. I've gotten warnings when I should have had a fine. Why? Because I was taught to respect them.

So, please tell your friend, and I hope you remember this yourself, but one day you're going to need them. Build a relationship now and treat them with respect. It will go a LONG way.

/r/legaladvice Thread