Chinese state media calls Australia 'an ideal target to strike' in event of South China Sea patrol | The Japan Times

western Anglo Saxon country at its core

Almost a third of Australians were born overseas (from 2015 ABS data), so we've become very multicultural since the 1970s. At least 25% of our population are from non-white backgrounds, and there's a very strong number of young migrant families - which means kids are growing up in a very multicultural society.

In my daughters class there are more kids from Chinese backgrounds than there are from an anglo background - a lot of migrants arrived in the last two decades, so if you look at young families the makeup of white to non-white is more like 50/50. China is by far our largest migrant group after UK and NZ, and it represents a far larger population slice than people who emigrated from the USA.

And honestly, it's usually just older Australians who get in a twist about this - older Boomers who remember a time when Australia was mostly white. Anyone under about 40 has had a very different experience - growing up with friends from all races. About half of our friends are from Chinese or other backgrounds. My sister in law is from Hong Kong. My aunt is Chinese.

Australia is still a majority white country, yes, but we are shifting very, very rapidly to a secular, diverse nation. Give it another 30 years and I can almost guarantee we'll be no longer a predominantly "Anglo-saxon" nation.

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