Choice of method is EXTREMELY important. Meditation is more than just sitting down and watching your breath!

We must have differing opinions about the capability of your average folks. I think worker cooperatives are a viable alternative to the traditional system of top-down management. But, it's debatable. Anyhow, I prefer this and similar methods of democracy. I think there are more than enough examples of it working to justify my optimism.

I suppose people are free, kind of. It does have its limits, yeah? Industry and ownership has tied up all the land. It has poisoned most rivers. Every fish in all the world has mercury in it nowadays, rendering it slightly poisonous. So, unlike 200 years ago you can't even go fishing for dinner every night. And to even consider buying land for a little self-sufficient farm you need to work at a company for a decade, at least. You can't just drop out, so in a sense this is coercive. You must work, or you will eventually find yourself in a gutter. That's a choice, but it's not much of a choice.

I'm not at all jealous of Bill Gates. If I could trade places, I doubt I would. I like being me just fine. He can keep his money. So can all the pimps and warlords and charlatans and reality stars and slave owners of the world. I don't want their money. But I don't necessarily believe that making money is a symbol of genius. Maybe I'm just ungrateful for their work ethic. I don't know.

Here's a pretty good explanation for why charity under capitalism can be kind of morally murky, if you've got the time for it. I admit that Slavoj beats around the bush a bit. But it's his style, they say.

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