Chris Evans has a message for this wee lad

Not trying to be a sour puss but I wish I got this kind of treatment when I got bullied as a kid. It was so bad to the point where people spat on me, beat me up, locked me in places, followed me home and beat me. Had to change schools...

I ended up being depressed, having issues with my life, studies, etc. etc. And I tried to end my life a while back, twice.

I am much better now, and I have a positive outlook on certain things, and I actually try to help people with issues like depression, suicide, and other issues. The thing is, while this kid is getting a better treatment and is getting sympathy, the issue of bullying isn't stopping or ending which really sucks.

If you see someone getting bullied, please step in and try to help. You have no idea how much it helps.

I might have tried to end my life twice, and failed, but someone else might do it because someone kept pushing them to the point of them feeling worthless and unwanted.

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