That brought me to tears

This one for me is very recent. I had to put down both of my cats in August just 10 days apart for separate health issues. I had had them both for a very long time they were senior cats but they had been very very healthy up until that point. Well my wife and I don't have a lot of money and so getting both of these cats checked out at the vet and then subsequently put down put a gigantic strain on our finances like it set us back about 2 months.

There is a video game that I have been eagerly anticipating for like a decade now and it came out in October. On the Reddit page for that game somebody had put up a thread asking how is everybody doing and people were putting up some honestly pretty sad stories about their lives and the things they were going through so I decided to share my little story and how it was going to mean that I wasn't going to be able to buy the game for at least another couple 3 months because of how far behind we were and honestly I figured it sucks but it's just a game it's all right I'll live. Well another redditor saw my story and contacted me and offered to buy it for me and he did. that act was one of the nicest things that anyone has done for me in a little while and I am so very grateful to him for it. I really needed something to help me pull me out of that depression from losing both of my cats and that was after having lost my bearded dragon just a couple months earlier I went from having three pets 3 months earlier to having zero. The dragon had also been with us for about 11 years.

Of course one week after the game came out my goddamn computer died and I still don't have it back so that sucks too. Thankfully I have a friend who has fixed it for free and I'm just waiting to get it back after they throw a new part in that they also decided to buy for me because of all the help that my wife and I gave them at their wedding earlier this year.

/r/wholesomememes Thread Link -