Circumcision is child abuse and should land you in prison

It’s not genital mutilation, its a medical procedure. Its completely safe and has no negative effects if done right by an experienced doctor. The 100+ yearly deaths by circumcision make up a fraction of the ~50% of the male population circumcised every year. In fact, being killed from a circumcision is about as common as being killed from a coconut falling on your head. And despite what you may have heard, there are health benefits to being circumcised, having foreskin can lead to many health complications later in life. And I understand many people take issue with the lack of consent from the newborn, which is understandable, but if someone needs the procedure later in life it is a hell of a lot more traumatizing as an adult. Plus, the majority of people who have been circumcised aren’t walking around furious at their parents for defiling their precious manhood. Its not a big deal. No one is harmed, and its a bit healthier. That is all.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread