THAT CLASS IS TOO POWERFUL- and other philosophical musings from an "elite" ~~1%er~~ 2%er - Long Post

I think one of the main issues with those class complaint posts, was that they mostly highlighted the strengths of other classes. If all you do is sing someone's praises, then of course they'll look like a god.

Defender might still need some over-shield-on-hit, love.

In my opinion, that might be a bit OP. I say this because the Defender Overshield sort of worked to assure that I was ready for another fight (because I'd probably have low health from killing the guy to get the shield). It can also recharge and grant faster reload speed. Couple this with the ward of dawn perks (weapons/blessing) and you have a war machine. Interested to see what others think about this. That is simply the way that I played defender and used the ability.

I want to make it clear that I do agree that their melee needs a buff. Though I don't think that OV on hit is the way to go about it. Another reason is because another class has that exact ability, so for the sake of variation, I think that something different needs to be done.

And come on dude, The AOE grenades (Void, Solar) could use some love. I mean that's just my personal opinion. They're so great for control and locking up a point. And how could you leave out flashbangs (I'm not pissed just wondering what you think about these). My friends use flashbangs to great effect. Sometimes I'll be on an objective then my screen turns white and I get a face full of shoulder.

I also wanted to thank you for the long and analytical post. You really went in depth with the classes and I can see that you put a lot of time and effort into this. I tried to do the same in a post last night but I just got tired.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread