Clinton Losing Millennial Support Nationally and in Key States

Not an American, so you could probably not care less, but here is my 0.5 cents.

Obama, for all his eloquence, sense of humor, likeability etc., I don't feel like he was a great President in the full sense. Yes he did some significant things, but he also failed on many of his promises. All in all, I think I represent a sizeable chunk of international observers who are sympathetic to the US in general - Obama was a so-so President all in all.

The same, I believe, would be with either Clinton or Trump. Both are certifiable liars, and Clinton is a war hawk on top of that, so we know the relations with Russia, or China for that matter, won't get any better. You as a nation will weather the next 4 years, in the state of being semi-disgusted and semi-ashamed, just as you did with Bush.

With Trump, things will get more wild and interesting in an unhealthy way, unless he gets grounded and demonstrates the features of a statesman--which he won't as we know.

So, I feel if you really need to have a serious and deep discourse and discussion with the other super-nations, you really need to pull a trick by bringing someone like Bernie back, and do it real quick. Which, again, I feel like an almost impossible feat to pull off, given the state of your political system.

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