CMV: Feminists should change their title (maybe to egalitarians) to disassociate themselves from the extremists.


I don't think we should change the title. Or is there any title to be changed to begin with. After all, the title is just a description of the movement. It is about women's rights. You could also call it "a movement for equal opportunities for women". Feminism centres on women's rights, because women still do not quite have equal opportunities to pursue. Why equal opportunities? Even if most women would pass the opportunity(whatever it happens to be), there are a few who would love to take it on, but they can't because they are assumed incompetent. By the way, by equal rights and equality it is not usually meant that women should get the same pay for less work than men or that the woman will now have to bulk up to arnold's size (or men shrink down and become so β, which is a fear amongst red pillers). That is stupid thinking and assuming all feminists are crazy like that based on one crazy one is like assuming all men are misogynists because one man once called one woman a bitch. Feminism no matter the change of the title will always irritate ones against gender equality. Goes for other minorities as well.  
(this part is optional and is going to be a bit of a ramble. I just wanted to introduce you to my ideas of why women would turn into a "feminazi") As for the feminazis. There is a reason for radical feminists and also a reason we don't take them very seriously. I would not consider myself a radical feminist, i don't talk about this outside reddit, but I feel very hopeless when i cross paths with a post on reddit or article that labels feminists as being vapid airheads thinking they are smart, and seeing them evokes reactions comparable to seeing a dog walk on its hind legs only("it's trying to act all smart and human-like"). Lots of these posts are trolling, some are dead serious though. Not that we should take them all seriously, but some have valid points. Either way they can be irritating and frustrating to someone already hating themselves because of their gender.  
I'm not saying your question is that kind of post. I'm just explaining why people get frustrated. Let's assume for a moment women are actually vapid airheads ( all of them) and everyone is aware of that. Suddenly some random magical event causes them to be equal to men in intelligence. If the previously assumed was true for women and such a change were to happen (well it might be true, never rule that out), we would not really have a way of knowing it, because women are viewed as inferior in this example. No matter what they do or prove they will be the cute bouncing dogs barking and acting smart. Them trying to prove they are suddenly smart is met with laughter and any aggressive proof as, well, being feminazis. They just can't win! Oh boy. I'm saying this as a human who has a hard time accepting any counter-arguments to a belief myself. I would not believe them either.
  Maybe you noticed how i carefully go around the idea that women might me men's equal. I often view women and thus myself as inferior based on "because it was like that for so long so how could it be wrong". If the "enslavement" of women existed for so long, maybe it is the correct way to go? To be quite honest, i could never claim a woman is as intelligent as a man, because i just don't have any proof. Moreso i see proof of otherwise. Maybe us women really do only have one purpose and that is to be fertile.
But at the same time i find it so hard to accept that men are supposedly moving up the evolutionary ladder towards something greater while the woman remains the same ol' busty childbearer. Why would a man, being a sexual being himself, be somehow more entitled to becoming "more", while the woman stays the same fleshy being? What is the point of the other half of the population then eventually, if it so cardinally different? Why would a woman have a brain or a sense of self after all, if that were her sole purpose? A woman is capable of pondering about the meaning of life, yes she does not need that amount of brain power for her supposed tasks? And so on....  

But you see, by this time i have already become sort of enraged. Turned into a real feminazi. Have a snickers you say? I'm angry at the world and view myself as being "less-privileged", the word that irritates so many due to connection to social justice warriors. I don't even have good proof either, but base this on my observations, which might or might not be true. But they have wound me up anyway. So maybe another frustrated soul like me might stupidly go somewhere and post a very mean rant, but not knowing how to express herself, she ends up making herself look like a fool. She probably doesn't even hate men, she just hates herself.   Just remember...humans have a tendency to associate single occurrences with a rule, kind of like the whole all Chads are assholes.. even it being a reddit inside joke, it's a good example of stereotyping. And maybe that asshole had good intentions, but he just screwed up.  

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