CMV: I'm an ex-Muslim living in an Islamic country and what left-wing and liberal people are doing is disgusting and overshadowing Islamic crimes.

left-wing and liberal people are doing is disgusting and overshadowing Islamic crimes.

No one is defending their barbaric rules which dehumanize women and LGBT people. I'm an atheist, I hate EVERY religion and the things the holy texts teach their followers. But what the liberals are against is discrimination against religious people bc guess what, some religious people don't actually hate different people, and actually do some good, and they shouldn't be treated like shit, bc of the bad doings of other people.

It's like the saying that, "it doesnt matter if 100 criminals are acquitted of the crime, one innocent shouldn't be persecuted." Idk if it's a perfect analogy but that's how I see it.

/r/changemyview Thread