CMV: It is impossible to be a true Christian and support the actions of the United States.

Okay I see your point. So how would you tie all this together with the original statement then. And I should mention that with all the information and evidence that exists for public view, I find it difficult to view most of U.S. actions as having a "just cause". I've yet to get into too much detail but I think I will now.

For example, the pretenses for the Iraq were false (this is a known and verifiable fact) and have now lead to the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians. This has occurred directly by U.S. forces, and indirectly by the U.S. destabilizing the region and then calling full withdrawel of its forces, which has left Iraq in chaos and civil war. And now there is some debate going on to send U.S. troops back in there to clean up the mess we caused in the first place? Give me a break. The U.S. is playing a game with Iraqi/middle eastern lives like they mean nothing. I don't see how an informed U.S. citizen with anything resembling Christian morals can support this kind of policy/action. So I guess maybe ignorance is the cause for support for this? I don't know.

As for the War in Afghanistan, yes it was much closer to a "just" war. There is much less to critique besides the whole 'collateral damage to civilians' thing. Was that inevitable? Maybe. Is Afghanistan a better place now for its average citizens? Probably. But something troubling was that the Taliban was strongly by tribal regions in Western Pakistan, right across the border. In fact, that's where Bin Laden escaped to after we invaded Afghanistan. And we knew that. And we knew that some (probably) isolated factions within the Pakistan government were sympathetic to him and al-Qaueda. That's where we found him after we finally got Pakistan's help. But wait? Why didn't we just invade this area of Pakistan? Oh, because Pakistan has nukes and a much stronger military. We have to show them respect. Not because they're people just like us, but because they can retaliate against us for invading their country. (I admit that this is an oversimplification, but when it comes down to it, this is the truth of it.) God forbid we put our own country in danger. We only hit those that can't hit back.

It's also important to realize why these terrorists exist and gain followers in the first place. And this is by no means justifying their actions. The answer is complicated but basically has two parts where we are at fault. 1) U.S./Allied exploitation of the middle east for easy oil access, and 2) U.S. Support for Israel and refusal to stop Israel from committing war crimes. We fund everything that Israel does. We could easily threaten to pull the plug on them to force them to stop. This website is a must see for everyone, unfortunately few Americans people actually know about it.

It is an organization founded by current and former members of the Israeli Defense Force. Its members give first hand accounts of the atrocities committed by the IDF in the Israel-Palestine conflict. I'll let you view and form your own opinions.

(I want to clarify for anyone reading this, that I am definitely favor of self defense and doing what is necessary to defend my friends and family. If our country was under serious threat of invasion or attack, then I personally believe it is right/necessary to fight back. I would even be willing to kill/die fighting if the cause is just. But that's not what we're facing right now. We're facing threats that we created in the first place. We need to break the cycle, not continue to perpetuate it. But as I do not consider myself a Christian, this personal statement does not apply to my argument.)

So given the facts and history, particularly the fact that we know that it is ordinary peaceful people who suffer most from our wars, how can a follower of Jesus (and those such as John the Baptist among the others you mention) be a supporter of the U.S. foreign policies. It's very possible that I've missed it, but I'm not seeing a precise answer to the question.

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