CMV: Mansplaining, manterrupting etc. are just cases of selective attention on human's generalized presumption.

If people use it for multiple things, doesn't it have multiple definitions?


How am I to know which version you're using?

You should know the actual meaning of the word before you get into the discussion and assume that's what the person is referring to. Right now you're jumping into questioning me without being informed in the first place.

What if my experience is only with one variation and you're using another?

Right, your experience as a man is definitely what we need to add to the discussion.

This thread alone has multiple different variations of mansplaining.

... it does, eh?

Interruptions seem like a separate category, and something that can definitely have disrespectful (sexist) roots, I just don't see how it's an explanation.

Could you please take into context the entire post and not just focus in on that one study? Read the paragraph before and then the links.

I'd explain the context of it to them regardless of gender. I do this all the time, with everyone.

Yea, you probably shouldn't. Assuming that you're the most knowledgeable person in the room is a bad idea. Maybe start by asking questions first.

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