CMV:North America should legalize prostitution to keep sex workers safe.

The conclusion in that study is that legalizing prostitution creates a larger market, which creates more of a demand for prostitutes, which increases human trafficking.

It doesn't say anything about STDs or physical abuse to sex workers, or the proportion of underaged workers, or having legal standing, which is what OP was suggesting would be improved by legalization.

Even if there are more prostitutes trafficked in to meet the increased demand, the working and living conditions for prostitutes as a group might be vastly improved, not to mention the safety of the, umm, Johns, and the police resources are at least partially freed up.

It's also conceivable that the creation of a legal market for prostitution would decrease the amount of human trafficking over a long enough time span, as established, legal entities began to crowd out the criminal element. This does happen: see for example gambling in Las Vegas, which was illegal, then legal, then run by the mob, and now run by corporations.

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