CMV: People Should Not Major in Fields That Have Limited Marketplace Value

Depending on financial situation of course, what is the point in spending years studying something with market place value if you have no interest in it or talent for it? Other people will have the same idea and soon it will just be tons of people in your field competing with you and you don't even enjoy it at all.

When you study something you are very passionate about with limited market place value, you will at least enjoy being a student, likely be a better student. As a very good student you can redirect later in life. Most fields you list are social fields so the knowledge there can easily transfer into something else if you don't make it to be a professor in that discipline or work in a gallery, museum, public spectrum.

Finally a lot of experience is simple work experience and jobs just require a degree, not a specific degree. Most of these people can perform an office job in some company or work in public service, based on the fact they can clearly write, analyze, research and other general skills. So if they don't end up working in their field jobs will still be available to specialize them. But they will at least have good recommendations and grades coming out of uni which they might not have studying something they are not into.

Nothing guarantees you success and job in your field of study or a great pay. Better to focus on stuff you're actually good at and inretested in, rather than to make typical job market decisions everyone else will also make.

/r/changemyview Thread