CMV: A pregnant woman should not have full control over the future of the unborn child.

There are a few issues with your scenario. One is that the woman is putting her career on hold for a baby she doesn't want. She will have to take time off before and after she has the baby, which in America isn't always easy and paid time off is not guaranteed or that long.

The second issue is relying on the man to take care of the baby if she does not want to. There would have to be some sort of contract, but what if the man runs away or someone gets out of the contract. Now, there is a baby being raised by a person who doesn't want it or given up for adoption in a system that might not be able to care for it.

The third issue is it seems that the man in this instance is given control of the woman's body and her own desires are thrown to the wayside. Would women then get the choice to control when men jerk off because they want a child? I mean after all men are really just a host for half of the effort. It's the woman doing all the work. My point being is that it doesn't seem realistic to allow men to control what women do with their body when the woman is the one sacrificing her time, career, and well being.

/r/changemyview Thread