CMV: I voted for Trump and I still don't regret it

That word, fascism

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce"

That last part is especially important. Actual fascism is a totalitarian one party dictatorship in which the ruling party has complete and utter control over every facet of the government. Trump nor any of his admin members can be described as literal fascists. Short of literal armed revolution, there is now way at all that American political system can evolve into that. You can, however, reasonably hold the opinion he is racist, sexist, and bigoted. Like I said, you believe that because of fearmongering retards screaming "racist! fascist!" instead of fire in this metaphorical crowded theater. The "alt right" is largely a paper tiger constructed by both self important right wing extremists and fearmongering leftists. The vast majority of the "alt right"'s internet presence is /pol/tard shitposters going around spinning the same shit they have for years. The number of people who consider themselves "alt right" and actually take physical action numbers perhaps 10,000 at a generous estimate. Even the largest meetings and rallies capped around 2-3k afaik. The Boston rally people were shitting their pants over had a grand total of ten people. This "alt right" is a bogeyman. There is no central leadership, as much as idiots like Spencer and BA want themselves to be that leadership. And fighting Nazis makes you inherently a morally impeccable paragon of good? Because Soviet Russia was super great and they totally didn't rape and murder thousands of civilians? Virtually all of the organized local "antifa" groups describe themselves as anarcho communist(just like the group they take their insignia from, which was a leftist extremist militia in Weimar germany") and go around assaulting random people unprovoked. Anyone who goes out with melee weapons, armor, and signs explicitly to fight other people is an idiot who's worked themselves up into a blood frenzy over the modern political climate.

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