CMV:White people are at the top of the food chain in nearly every social, economic, and political factor. People who deny white privilege only do so because they hate admitting that some of their success comes from uncontrollable factors.

Outside of a handful of contexts (traffic stops, mortgage applications among them) white privilege is localized and determined by economic and educational privilege. Trump for example prior to election bore substantially greater privilege than any given white guy living in a trailer park in West Virginia - as one extreme example. Hospitals in big American cities are staffed at 50+% by non-American physicians who are in most cases non-white. African-Americans raised in middle-class suburbs enjoy greater economic and educational privilege than whites raised in rural poverty (another example).

Outside of contexts where privilege hews very black-and-white, privilege isn't very helpful because the nuances of many, perhaps most, situations frustrate the conscientious actor.

I'd recommend we observe carefully the reality of white privilege within contexts where it clearly reigns, and be aware of its likely influence in other areas where it's less clear.

Below that, to conscientiously observe privilege would require some kind of points system. Add more privilege points for growing up in a household above $250k and fewer for growing up above $100k and none for growing up below $30k. Privilege points for a business degree, more for an MBA. Subtract privilege points for physical disability. etc etc. Set up an index.

Since no one's going to ever really do that, it's best to probably let the concept go at a certain level.

/r/changemyview Thread