Why is Cognitive Enhancement Deemed Unacceptable? The Role of Fairness, Deservingness, and Hollow Achievements (2016)

Yeah, I used to be in the enhance until you dance like MJ camp. But recently I had a conversation with a friend of mine who goes to Northwestern, he's biology major, very smart-little dogmatic about some things-. I thought he sounded silly when he remarked that adderall users were "cheaters"(referring to the countless stimulant using students he encounters at his university). But I thought about it after a little and thought it made some sense.

He is in a highly competitive program, and those who use stimulants might have an advantage over him. This encourages an environment to use drugs that may not be understood fully and that could possibly be detrimental to some people. That is not analogous to say, gaining cognitive enhancement from exercising. Exercising is well researched and is without a doubt healthy and good for you. Having an environment that encourages exercise to get an edge is fair, because exercising doesn't impede on your health or life style in a negative way.

I think with nootropics its more iffy. We don't know a lot of the times what these long-term effects will be. So if you compete in an environment at an elite level that encourages their use, you might feel cheated. I am solely talking about environments that encourage these things and whether or not that is good. I don't think it's good. It's not good because it influences people to use these drugs when they otherwise wouldn't. A lot of people here will willfully admit, they're guinea pigs. Thats ok, because its your choice. But if it comes to the point where I HAVE to use enhancement to even keep up with others, and that enhancement is risky, or the risks are unknown, count me out. Anyways, I didn't read the article, just reminded me of my friend and his concerns about enhancement in general.

/r/Nootropics Thread Link - journal.frontiersin.org