Combat Blink on a 750 gold cooldown is one of the stupidest thing Hi-Rez has put in the game yet.

The fact you can buy it means that there are ways to chase this serqet with blink or escape them, for every blink they use you can too, this of course doesn't mean you always should since their team could be right around the corner.

Creating a clusterfuck isn't even in the same universe as a reason to remove something from the game especially when this 'clusterfuck' is way past the average conquest game length. Also how does it create one in your opinion and in what way could the item be changed to not do that so much?

You will NEVER be taken seriously so long as you keep trying to believe straight up removing items you dislike is the only course of action. You're still just saying 'lel it makes mess really late game' I mean a lot of things in the game do that and many of them are intended to.

Ah Puch is a terrible example and yet again you completely skipped over the most important part being early game change not just late game. Gods like Artemis have all the balance and makings of a great ADC except their extreme lack of mobility prevents them from being viable, a way to escape death early game that isn't a ridiculous amount of gold can easily make her viable.

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