Combatting PTSD by letting patients hear their own brainwaves - New technology uses algorithms to turn brain signals into sounds, letting patients literally hear their own brain activity, allowing the brain to naturally “self-optimize” into a quiet pattern, resetting the stress response in PTSD.

[drunk post] Interesting. Don't forget that you defend an empty space. I have actually tried this. That is to say, I have tried (as of now) 15 sessions of LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback System), which seems similar to the HIRREM referenced in the article. Apparently, my high beta waves are constantly spiking at around 29 Hz. Very unusual, according to my physician. I found a doctor curing night terrors in small children using neurofeedback and asked/begged/harassed him to try it on me. Go find your heart and take it back. In the last session my alpha waves suddenly spiked at around 12-13 Hz. Tibetan monk style. This seems to have given me back my sense of thirst. Didn't even know that it was missing. Remember the tin man, found he had what he thought he lacked.

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