A comic I drew inspired by this sub

That's the beautiful thing about science. I don't have to have blind faith. Rather, I trust that thousands of scientists, and millions of practioners, are educated enough to know when something works and that it is safe. If you use your logic then are you researching every single item you ingest be it at fast food, restaurants, through the grocery store, any medications you take or treatment? In what world do you have all the free time to make a completely confident call on all those things? Nothing comes without risk I'm sure you know. If you don't trust the vaccine then fine don't take it. Wish I could convince you but you must know people smarter than the ones who have dedicated their lives to research and development. I've been taking vaccines my entire life because I sometimes go to countries where if I didn't have them I could enter a scenario where I'll be in a third world country hospital. What do you think will happen if you react poorly to covid and there aren't enough ventilators or ICU beds? Risk mitigation my friend.

/r/HermanCainAward Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it