“… within I’d say 2 to 3 years… one of us will probably be dead.”

This guy is infuriating.

"If they wanted everyone to get it, they'd send it out in good faith!"

bitch, there weren't any vaccine mandates when it very first came out, and y'all still didn't get it. They asked nicely and everything.

"mural in 1994. how far do they plan this stuff in advance?"

Don't you fucking dare with this bullshit.

"I've had several friends confirm they're blank"

No you didn't. Either your friends are as big of a dumbass as you are, of you're lying and don't have any friends.

Come on, man. At least try to make me feel bad for you. Some other HCA winners have kids they abandon, or they're just super misinformed and see the light near the end, but this guy was just some idiot who legitimately though he knew better than doctors.

Legit, though, what the fuck is up with that? Why do a bunch of morons think that they have a superior understanding and vaster knowledge on virology and vaccines than people who have been though at least 8 years of school and who have DECADES of experience working with both? I'm trying hard to feel sympathetic, but it's getting hard.

/r/HermanCainAward Thread Link - reddit.com