This comment perfectly sums it up.

This whole comment is redundant though, because D&D did write it to happen that way. And it happened that way. Most people are okay with who completed major acts, the issue is, like the comment said, the way it was done.

I won't jump on the bandwagon and bash them completely (although I will upvote funny posts that do) but trying to salvage something out if this wreckage of a season is a lost cause because they have proven that they became complacent with the plot years ago.

I understand the need for positivity but they have become completely disillusioned with the core fan base and no longer care for the characters.

It's awful.

And it's okay to be critical of it. Criticism is what's creating all of these glorious memes and giving me some relief from the misery of watching a show I have invested so much time, thought and emotion into crash and burn into a pile of shite.

There is no point in having hope for the last two episodes. We have had four episodes (more than half the season) already and they have set in stone the theme and quality of the rest of the season. It's best to just bask in the memes because it's the only way to mend the disappointment we will all feel.

They fucking moved King's Landing to a different location on the map. There will be no set up. There will be no redemption. There will only be good memes.

Start the healing process now, me brothah.

TL;DR - memes

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