Sorry, I had exams to study for. I'll grant that they may not have "relied heavily," but the US and the west did provide quite a bit of foreign aid to the Soviet Union.
A total of $50.1 billion (equivalent to $656 billion today) worth of supplies were shipped, or 17% of the total war expenditures of the U.S.[2] In all, $31.4 billion went to Britain, $11.3 billion to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion to France, $1.6 billion to China, and the remaining $2.6 billion to the other Allies
In the 1990s, in a bizarre turn of events, Western experts are pushing debt-financed development on the Soviet Union itself. Western governments are rushing to prop up the Soviets' collapsing planned economy with billions of dollars in aid, consisting of direct aid, export credits, and loan guarantees. As of late 1990 the Soviet Union had received commitments of $5.4 billion in government-guaranteed export credits and commercial loans from France and Italy.[10] Canada had committed $1.3 billion in food aid. In December 1990 the European Community approved nearly $2.5 billion in emergency aid and technical assistance. As of early 1991 the German government had guaranteed about $9.5 billion in private German bank loans to the Soviet Union (in addition to $8.5 billion in grant aid to support the relocation of Soviet troops from the former East Germany).[11] The Bush administration, for its part, in December 1990 approved $1 billion in export credit guarantees for Soviet government purchases of U.S. farm commodities and $300 million in export insurance and loan guarantees from the U.S. Export-Import Bank to support nonfarm exports. For 1991 alone, hard currency aid pledged to the Soviet Union totals $16.9 billion.[12]
The main participants in the international relief effort were Hoover's American Relief Administration,[10] along with other bodies such as the American Friends Service Committee and the International Save the Children Union, which had the British Save the Children Fund as the major contributor.[11] Around ten million people were fed, with the bulk coming from the ARA, funded by the US Congress; the European agencies co-ordinated by the ICRR fed two million people a day: the International Save the Children Union were feeding 375,000 in its centres at Saratov at the height of the operation.[12]
In 1921-22, the United States Congress-funded American Relief Administration helped feed about 10 million starving Russians. Initially, Lenin had refused Western aid. But as the death toll mounted, he relented. American food aid continued through 1923. But American popular support dwindled when it became clear that the Soviet government was exporting its own grain to earn foreign currency, and then asking foreigners to feed Russian peasants.
1934: Ex-Im Bank is established.
1964: Ex-Im Bank issues $5.6 million in guarantees of agricultural products to the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.
1973: Two credits to USSR for $199 million of exports are authorized the same day
At a time when the American people were told by the government that the Soviet Union and Communism represented the greatest threat to the world and free people, that same government (the U.S. government) was propping up that very same threat of communism via the Export-Import Bank.
In a 1980 issue of “The Ron Paul Report,” Congressman Paul gives the example of the “largest truck plant in world, on the Kama River in the U.S.S.R.,” which, as he stated, “produced many of the trucks and armored vehicles used in the [Soviet] invasion of Afghanistan…”
Paul went on to explain that the plant was “built at the expense of the American people.” According to Paul, “The Nixon Administration ruled the project to be in our national interest, and the government’s Export Import Bank loaned the Soviets $154 million at an average interest rate of 6.5%, with the first payment not due for 10 years.”
“The rest of the $342 million financing, loaned at market rates by a syndicate headed by the Chase Manhattan Bank,” Paul elaborated, “was insured by the taxpayer through another government agency, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.”
This Paul opposed, as it benefited the Soviets at the expense of the American taxpayer. “The Export-Import Bank’s funds come from the U.S. Treasury, and the outlays cause our taxes and inflation rates to go up,” Paul said, adding, “The Soviets get the goods. The big banks and companies get the profits. And the taxpayer gets the bill.”