Goblin Slayer - Episode 11 discussion

Oh and men are ignored, they don't have to suffer worse then death just die. Except for when their women are victimized of course.

As I mentioned before, that's life. Even in real life, men just get killed, while women get mass raped and then killed. You hear of those two women who recently went to Macedonia, they thought it would be safe to travel alone as women in a third world shit hole, guess what, they got raped and beheaded. There are A LOT more stories like that out there.

You also might not want to look up history and what the Russians did to German women and what the Japanese did to Chinese women. They'd be in the middle of battlefield, if there were women there, there'd be a rapping, on mass.

Also if you are a women and were to join the army and somehow got on the front line of a real war and were caught alive, you'd 100% get raped.

And gods forbid the goblins choose any other form of suffering ever to inflict upon a female. Well maybe for ugly girls but not like we'll see any of those. Nope her fate is entirely determined by having a baby factory and no other traits seemingly matter.

In real life that IS the only suffering women get, raped and then killed. As I said, that's life. And outside of the First World women are only baby makers, they serve no other point.

I'm not saying any of this is right, but this stuff actually happens in real life on mass, even RIGHT NOW!

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