[COMMUNITY] World Building // Plot Creating // "Team/Partner" Pick Up ;) [PART 1]

I like this idea. I wouldn't mind being able to help someone with their world and give suggestions about mine. If anyone is interested and wants to discuss their own stuff just PM me. Life has been kind of hectic lately so my responses may be slightly erratic. Most of my lore is written by hand in my little book so I don't have a handy link, but here is a general summary.

Creation Myth Worldbuilding In the beginning there is God, a.k.a Infinitum. Infinitum lives in darkness for quite a while with no one to talk to except the Voices of Arbuda who torment him. He cries and his tears become the stars, each star becomes a piece of his soul which is guarded by their own respective Stewards. One Steward, Thanatos, becomes lonely and corrupt after he pays too much attention to the Arbuda. He gives in to loneliness and decides to visit another star. Enter Gaia, the Steward of the system which the protag's world is set in. Thanatos comes out of the darkness and tries to consume Gaia, corrupted by the hunger of the Arbuda and driven mad after travelling in the dark for so long. To protect herself, Gaia uses the power of the sun to create a shell to hide in. During this process she is interrupted by Thanatos so a piece breaks off and forms the Moon. She ends up retreating into centre of the shell and creates life on the surface to disperse her energy and create a barrier (The Veil) to keep Thanatos and the Arbuda out, creating the world where this is all set in. In the early stages of the planet's life there are animals, Dryads and Mer. Over time the voices of Arbuda corrupt most of the Dryads and they start to chop their ancestral trees down and become more and more like normal men, though the spirit energy they generate by living still protects Gaia and renews the Veil. Current Day A couple thousand years later a lot has happened and a new power has risen, the Sovereign Empire. The Sovereign Empire has been expanding aggressively with its army of zealous mages and golems and at its helm is Emperor Victor Aurium, who believes that he is destined to become a god and inherit the world. If I could describe the culture briefly I'd say it would be something like classical Roman culture and customs having a baby with North Korea's personality cult. So far the Sovereign Empire has conquered a few other civilizations and is aggressively pursuing any information on breaching the last bastion of Dryad civilization on a continent far to the East because the Emperor believes that they are defending the Heart of Gaia. Every village under the Emperor's rule has an obelisk constructed in the centre of it which his mages can tap into for the sake of monitoring the population and ensuring there is no dissent or criticism of the Emperor's regime. The mages believe that when they cast magic, they're just using mana. In reality, they're actually burning spirit energy and weakening the Veil, letting the Arbuda break through and start possessing corpses and such.

Plot Main character is a half dryad living in one of the kingdoms conquered by the Emperor. He can see soul energy because of his heritage. While he is out hunting with his father, they come across some ruins and the main character sees a dark spirit who begins to follow him. An obelisk is built in his town square and a few days later everyone is struck dead except for him and his father who live on the outskirts. They go into town and the father is killed by a possessed body, main character escapes off into the woods and lives in the ruins for a while. The dark spirit offers to teach him the art of Necromancy and promises to help him bring his father back in return for helping him beat the Emperor to the Heart of Gaia. And then more stuff happens.

/r/DestructiveReaders Thread