The compounded mistakes of Women.

Women decide to enter the universities

Women decide to enter the workforce

Women didn't ''decide'' to do shit. These changes were pushed on us by an (((international clique))) with the intent to undermine the authority of hard working males and consequently fuck up Western society. There's a reason this BS is not just limited to the US, but to Canada and Western Europe as well.

Women then complain that all of the above hurt them

Of course they do, it does hurt them. They have been duped by this same (((international clique))) like us men. They were told that they would get to live amazing lives if they went to work instead of staying at home and caring for the children. It is the latter that truly makes them happy, but they are incapable of realising what is good for them. They are malleable as hell and that is why they were and continue to be targeted through the (((media))).

TL;DR - These were not compounded mistakes of women. These were the typical tricks of the (((eternal merchant))). We have all been duped.

Doesn't make the strategy of going your own way any less viable though. And this post is still full of truth.

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