A comprehensive list of things that need to be changed for season 3

Here is your typical dogmatic "nerf that what everyone complains about at" post. There will always be top picks, that doesn't even mean those are the strongest gods. Just the most valued at the moment. Let's say Serqet, Sol, Xing, Janus and Sol get nerfed SEVERELY. So what. Other gods will become first pick/first ban material and you find posts on the Reddit that they are overpowered with no changes even happening to them.

Most of the times the "op" gods aren't even that successful in competitive play or even casuals and most of the times they aren't even op. Eager favoured Sol a lot in the ADC role for early lane pressure. Yes, Sol is pretty dominating in lane early on, however she falls off severely in the lategame compared to other ADCs and also mages I feel like. She's still be able to do things, but it can't be denied that she falls off. I'm not saying those gods people generally complain about are all balanced, but IMO not all need nerfs. Serqet is IMO very overrated. Her teamfighting is not very good and all she has is mobility and that 2 into 1 or her ult, both of which can drastically be countered by beads. Of course she's a good jungler and always have been, just because of her high mobility, very quick rotating time and very strong gank potential. However, coming to the late game stages of the game and teamfighting, she doesn't bring a lot to the table (she can still do stuff, but she doesn't need nerfs). Sometimes I'm wondering if people even are sane in their head. They really want to take away the crit on her 1 or nerf her damage, you realize that her 1 is basically all her damage? Without crit she deals absolutely no damage. How will she be able to even assassinate one single target with her 1 not being able to crit, evne if the base damage got increased? If they increase the base damage, but don't allow her to crit, her early and midgame will be ridiculously overpowered cause of the base damage, while her late game in which she already doesn't excel at, will be A LOT weaker. Do people really want that, when the main problem with her is not in late teamfights, but early on (especially for casuals), because she's a strong ganker?

/r/Smite Thread