Computer science vs cyber security

Computer science is a vast field. The security of systems, software and networks is one narrower area within that field. If you study computer science you will no doubt learn about many security-related topics as you learn specific things like networking, databases, or programming. Then if you still wish to specialize in the security aspect then you could focus once you have the fundamentals.

As the previous commenter said, if working remotely is a goal then you might want to pursue jobs where things that are more loosely coupled with corporate networks and servers. Few companies would likely feel comfortable having their security in the hands of someone connecting remotely from another continent, even with VPNs and other measures. Software development might be a better road to pursue as often you build and test modules locally and then just check them in/out of a repository on the destination server when it comes time to integrate. But obviously every company is different, and though more companies seem open to remote work since COVID-19 began it's hard to predict if that mindset will be permanent.

No matter what, I recommend studying and pursuing a career that actually interests you, beyond the theoretical potential for remote work. Remote work is still work and it will eat up a big chunk of your adult life, so even if you're doing it from a van or an Airbnb in SE Asia you'll want to enjoy it, or at least not hate it.

/r/digitalnomad Thread