What about the shitty events of 2020 do you think is kind of a necessary evil?

well biohazards like diseases that could spread internationally have long been talked about as something we should be prepared for, but most of the world really wasn't. next time, we're all going to be better prepared.

racial tensions in the US have always existed. we have periods where we talk about them more and less, and we will keep going on that cycle until fundamental, systemic problems are resolved. every iteration gets us closer to that goal.

the economy looked good on paper, but it had been artificially propped up by quantitative easing and private sector investment based on an economy propped up by quantitative easing. a correction was coming.

in the US, healthcare is tied to jobs. now it's more obvious than ever that this is bad for lots of people, and similarly that many, many jobs are based purely on day to day consumer demand and discretionary spending (as opposed to longer term demand or necessity spending) and will go away the minute that consumer demand goes away. it's good that these massive weaknesses in our economy have been highlighted. we can only fix these issues when people realize how bad they are.

i could go on.

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