Confederate flag flyers: What are you saying/trying to accomplish by flying the Confederate flag? Are you supporting slavery?

I'll do some looking around, but it might be a while. If you want some background, you should look into the pagan/occult background of the German Nazis. Weird stuff, man. It gets into Quabbalah and the belief that the Jews brought the God of Abraham to Europe (via Christianity) to oppress to white pagans. This is why the Cross of Odin or Odin's Cross is so popular with Neo-Nazis. It represents the old order in Europe.

The Masonic and Scottish Rite symbolism in the Confederate Battle flag borrows heavily from the occultism found in US government designs (look up the symbolism of the Great Seal). One interesting note is that for there to be thirteen stars on the flag, the Confederacy needed thirteen states. They kind of drafted Kentucky and Misouri (I think) in order to fill those two spots without really controlling either state. If one subscribes to magical thinking, the symbols and rituals of both the Nazis and Confederacy might account for their unique roles in history, swift rises to power and equally speedy collapses.

I'm digging around now looking for information about what scared Nathan Bedford Forrest(first Grand Wizard) away from the Klan. It seems really weird that one of the bloodiest (and most effective) Confederate leaders would have shied away from white-on-black violence. He tried shutting it down only a few years after it was established with no success. It had gotten away from him (the way these things often do in books and movies about the occult).

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