You get to confess one thing to your significant other and do not get in trouble for it, what do you confess?

I'm pretty sure my sister's boyfriend thinks this right now. Problem is is that we've fed, clothed, and housed him for the past two years, given him a phone and car insurance and have helped him with his child support issues.

He has the audacity to thank us by driving drunk on said insurance and cheating on my sister. But nope, we're the bad guys because we don't want him to ruin her life. So now he's trying to convince her to move out because their relationship will improve without our family "butting our heads into their business." My sister is actually going along with it because she "loves him", and is planning on working 60 hours a week to support his shitty music career and part time job at the mall. Oh, and she has to ride the bus because he's afraid that his car will break down if she drives it, and he just wants to make sure she's "okay."

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. I'm legitimately afraid I'm going to lose my sister to this deadbeat monster.

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