Confession: I let virgin-shaming get to me and cost me a career. Don't let virginity get you down.

I can’t believe they unaccepted you for what is basically free speech!!!

Since you're going through the med school admissions process, I'm giving you a PSA: you'd best be careful yourself. I knew that the med schools search through social media, which is why I posted stuff on my blog and Reddit instead of my Facebook. They found out anyways because someone snitched on me.

Med schools nowadays are hyper-obsessed with professionalism. Apparently, showing weakness is unprofessional. Some dumbass commenter said I essentially threatened to shoot up a school - you would have to really torture what I said to come up with that conclusion. I said that I had a recurring fear of "snapping" and doing something horrible (unspecified) like Elliot Rodger did - that is an intrusive thought, not a threat. The med school seemed to know that, and the chair of the admissions committee was a licensed clinical psychologist, so she SHOULD know that. Not that it helped me - what they said was that "everyone has bad and negative thoughts, but there are some things that you shouldn't post online if you ever want patients to take you seriously". If you have any potentially incriminating material, even under a username, you'd best remove it if you ever get accepted.

I am not officially blacklisted. Officially, I withdrew from the school (when they told me they were rescinding me, they offered me the option to officially withdraw - I took it). However, either way, getting admitted and not matriculating is a huge red flag. It shows that "you aren't seriously committed to medicine", so I'm effectively blacklisted.

As for the Virgin aspect. Have you read about asexuality at all? You might be happier considering yourself asexual

Yes, and I wouldn't consider myself asexual. I experience sexual attraction, but romantic attraction is harder to come by. I had only been romantically interested in a few people in my life. Two of them already had boyfriends and one I ended up dating.

/r/IncelTears Thread Parent