Confession time! You know you've been meaning to get it off your chest, what is the darkest secret that you've been carrying with you?

I don't really know how or why, (I have a few theories), but as a young child I was very sexual. I could read at age 3. I remember reading encyclopedias about sex, human body parts etc. One time I found an adult comic book.

When I was 5 or so my cousin (same age, also female) and I would do many things. Touch eachother, oral, etc. Don't know how we knew about these things... one day we were talking about pennies and she said he (an adult around us, don't remember who) let her touch his, and other things.

When I was 6-7 I had two neighbors who were a year or two older. They were a boy and a girl. They lived alone with their dad. They taught me many games, where we were naked. Touching. Oral. Etc.

When I was 6/7 I had a sleepover with a different boy cousin... we were in the basement under a blanket touching each other and my uncle came downstairs (he was really religious) and said what are you doing.

I whispered to my cousin it was a secret. My uncle heard and said. What's a secret? I said, we are playing secret agents, we are spies! (Always been a good quick liar). But my uncle figured it out.

He told my mom, who freaked on me. I told her about the games my neighbors showed me.

My uncle shunned me. I am 21 now and haven't seen them since then except once or twice and for a very short period of time.

I'm friends with my cousins on Facebook and I hope they don't remember but I will never forget.

I got drunk on my 21st birthday and passed out in my friends bed (they were gone) wearing just a tee shirt. Their dog started licking me, I let him, I liked it.

My boyfriend made a joke about our dog doing that (he likes to steal panties) and I tried to play it off like that's disgusting.

I hope he never finds out.

/r/AskReddit Thread