Confrontation on the tube

I see we're intent on just restating our earlier comments using different words with each fresh set of replies, so; yes, they do, but the way you definitely will not "teach them how to behave" is by getting into a shouting match or fist fight with them.

Having some fantasy about "educating the dullards" isn't going to do you much good, because the dullards do not want to be educated, and you aren't going to be educating them no matter how righteous you feel like you're being. They won't be taking notes as you explain how "honour" works and with how they acted dishonourably first it's on them to back down and apologise, not you.

No. Instead, you should be aiming for a better outcome for the people around you. You should be aiming to get them to turn their shit down/off. Again, you won't do that by starting a fight, but you might do it be remaining calm and being polite.

Some such dullards will never listen, but some of them will; of both groups, neither are likely to respond well to being challenged. That is, some psychologists would say, what they're begging for anyway by being so noisy in the first place, as something to prove their toughness against.

/r/london Thread Parent