Considering moving to Wilmington and could use advice

If you like to take walks like myself, just be prepared for the severe lack of sidewalks/walking paths on basically every road/street. You'll be walking on the side of busy ass roads in the sand/grass basically everywhere unless you drive to an actual dedicated park with a walking path. Shit, even pretty nice subdivisions have no sidewalks for the tenants to take a stroll. It's pretty laughable. Coming from Florida where there's a sidewalk/walking path on EVERY road/ street it was pretty damn fustrating. And they don't have state income tax down there. Makes me wonder what our state tax goes too here? Clearly not any pedestrian friendly amenities. God forbid you want to take a stroll in the evening on a weekday. Gotta sit in traffic for an hour just to get to park

/r/Wilmington Thread