Consoles are becoming more like PC's

You can pick up a PS4 and move it to the next room in 10 seconds

I can do that with my ITX PC. Unplug HDMI, unplug power cord, unplug keyboard, done.

You have an entire group of friends playing on those consoles well-established

This isn't a console advantage. Plenty of people, like me, have friends who mostly play on PC. I could just as easily list it as a PC advantage if you're going to list it as a console advantage. It's an argument for why someone would want to stay on their current system, but not an argument in favor of consoles in particular.

Destiny players will prefer it on PS4 as opposed to PC.

Why? It just literally has a lower framerate, worse graphics, and more online lag. Everything else is the same.

I personally prefer almost every game on a PC but I love the controller even for FPS

You can use PS4 controllers on PC. As well as PS3 controllers, dedicated PC gamepads, 360 controllers, and X1 controllers.

Consoles used to have a monopoly on controllers. Now PCs can use them in the vast majority of cross-platform games. Usually it's plug and play.

Consoles used to offer hassle-free online, back when you needed to punch in IP addresses on PC. Now PC online is faster, easier, and cheaper.

Consoles used to offer plug-and-play simplicity on games. Now they need to install and update just as much as PCs.

Consoles used to be the only easy way to bring your game or your saves to a friend's house, whether the data was saved on a memory card or the game cartridge itself. Now console saves are on their hard drive, and the games need to be installed, the same as PCs.

Consoles used to have a ton of splitscreen cooperative games. Now splitscreen is dead and 99% of cooperative games are on PC.

Consoles used to have backwards compatibility, and the X1 still does to an extent, but PC is actually better at backwards compatibility now.

Consoles used to have all the exclusives, but now exclusives overall are much less common, most get ports, and PC has exclusives of its own.

The only thing consoles have going for them is price. Just price, plain and simple. That's what every debate has become "can you build a PC as good as a console for the same price."

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