A conversation.

I saw this in one of those "what was the most memorable comment" posts recently and I gave it some thought the next day. If I had to live the life of every person that ever was, is or will be, then I wondered who was living all the lives around me at any point in time? Were those other goddish beings' children? If some of those other egg children were slovenly, would they leave a person messy when they moved out and would I have to deal with that when I moved in? What kind of cleaners would that even require? Why would I have to have so much human experience? Would my goddish-being father be from a place that operated solely on human experiences? What would a world that relied wholly on human experience be like? Instead of tornados would there be swarms of mother-in-laws? How many times would I have to experience the same things over again? In the end would I know if life was truly mostly misery and pain or would I be able to make an objective pie chart of human emotional experience? Who would I show it to if I was able to do that? Wouldn't all the other eggs have the same information? Forget small talk, wouldn't conversations be so jaded and boring? There would be no room for hyperbole. Comedy would cease to exist without hyperbole and it's lesser known figures of speech like litotes.

Wouldn't every single hatched egg goddish being have severe father issues? And what if I were the only one and there were no other eggs on this planet? Wouldn't the other humans that existed be simply drones, enablers of my experiences, and whoa, if there was some cosmic court of justice, wouldn't those humans have the best case ever if they sought compensation for having to play their forced roles?

Thought meandered after that but I was reminded not to take platitudes too seriously. No matter how artfully constructed they are never the one sized fits all they are made out to be.

/r/occult Thread Link - imgur.com