I am Jim Obergefell Named Plaintiff in the Supreme Court Marriage Equality Case, AMA!

Isn't it ironic how the DEMOCRATIC party took the stand against what the people wanted in states that voted against gay marriage? How Democratic of them.

Some people don't want gay marriage in their state. Oh boo hoo. He and his friends felt it was just so unfair that people won't accept his lifestyle with a government title so he cried to the Supreme Court to force people to accept him.

Meanwhile people didn't get marijuana legalized, Romney elected as President, among many other things but you don't see massive amounts of people crying to the federal Supreme Court that it's so unfair and having them force the minority on the majority.

I don't give a fuck who wants to marry what. It ain't my life but if people voted against it, fine, fuck it. Go to a state that will recognize you. Don't be a little pussy and whine to the court because you didn't get your way. That's just juvenile. And yeah, maybe people voting the way they did was juvenile too, but who cares. Shouldn't have put it on the ballot if you felt like it shouldn't be up to the people to dictate what they want in their state and what they don't. I did find it funny that they had a GAY judge rule on it in California and then be surprised he voted against the will of the people (in favor of the minority's opinion to approve same sex marriage).

And honestly, with all that's going on THIS is what they spend their time fighting for? Fucking recognition from the government in a piece of paper? And they have nerve to compare this to other TRUE civil rights movements like that of the 60's with African Americans who were treated as second class citizens and hosed down while chased by vicious dogs or to the women's suffrage in the early 1900's when women were denied the right to speak up for themselves or the right to be treated fairly or to decades ago when homosexuals REALLY dealt with some unfair shit from people jumping and beating the crap out of them to being literally kicked out of businesses? This wasn't shit compared to real civil rights movements for people fighting for true rights and freedoms. This was a temper tantrum over a fucking piece of paper and the acceptance from people who clearly don't want to accept them so they forcefully shove the shit down their throats. Pathetic.

We're involved in at least two wars around the globe, militants continue to rape and murder defenseless women and children, we have a growing debt that doesn't seem to stop, we have a president who spends all his time making empty promises and fucking vacationing/golfing, we have an oil/energy crisis, our school system continues to go down the shitter, we barely just calmed a few riots, mental patients are still shooting up schools and movie theaters, Islamic terrorists are still causing shit around the globe and here in the U.S., black people are still being shot and killed by police and white supremacists, California continues to experience a drought and scientists say we're on the verge of a global melt down, gays/Jews/women are still being persecuted, tortured, and killed in the Middle East by Islamic fanatics, the Westboro Baptist Church is still alive and well fucking with people's funerals..but isn't it so fan-fucking-tastic that two dudes can marry in the United States of America? I'm overjoyed for them. I'm so glad we could have one more pointless distraction "issue" clogging our legal system.

Go ahead and downvote the crap out of me. I don't give a fuck. I don't care what you're going to say to this comment either so save your breath. I've heard enough of your typical whining and bitching because you didn't get your way. I'm going to say what I want to say without being bullied by you for once because you guys are the true bullies of this generation. God forbid someone speak their mind if it happens to be against gay marriage!

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