Couple weeks ago I had to finally admit to myself I don't play games the way I used to. The Switch was my answer. (Long Post).

This is precisely why I bought a Switch after not having a console since GameCube. I used to play through so many videogames when I was in my mid teens. Once I hit college, I just couldn't play games like I used to. I tried picking up new games so many times, even buying a 3DS only to sell it a few weeks later. It never worked.

The Switch is different though. I love being able to play it undocked when I'm unwinding in bed at night or playing it on the couch (which is too far from my TV to play from when docked). Key to this is that it's console-quality games on a console that doesn't take itself too seriously. I just can't play a super serious game from beginning to end anymore. There's no enjoyment factor left for me. I have too many other commitments and priorities in life. But to go and play Zelda at 30 minute clips anywhere in my home? That's perfect.

I'm a PhD student trying to make it through the cutthroat publish-or-perish world of academia. Sinking too much time into gaming would make me stressed out and feel unproductive. The Switch is a great compromise for someone like me.

/r/NintendoSwitch Thread